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Multi Weather Forecast – The Best Weather App You Can Have On Your iPhone/ iPad!

Bad weather, like unexpected heat waves and torrential downpour, is unavoidable. Even technology can’t help us stay away from it but can predict the same, well in advance. All thanks to advanced weather apps! Though the Internet today is flooded with the same, we believe people deserve only the best and when talking about the ‘best free weather app for iPhone 2019’, only one thing comes to mind. It’s none other than Multi Weather Forecast, an iOS compatible app, which offers accurate weather data directly to iPhone and iPad users.

What currently turned out to be one of the most loved apps in the Apple Store, as is evident from its 5-star ratings, certainly features something extraordinary. Wondering what it could be? Let us uncover them for your convenience.

Super Helpful Features That Make It The Best Weather App

It’s more than a basic app with a simple interface, which is probably the first thing you would notice when you access it. There are five widgets right at the bottom, namely ‘Favorites’, ‘Near by Me’, ‘Map, ‘Search’ and ‘Setting’, which allows one to have control over it. But, the highlights are the mentioned few:

  • Huge Coverage

What makes it one of the best weather apps for iPhones in 2019, is its coverage. Whether you wish to check out the weather conditions of countries in Asia, Europe, North America, South America or Australia, be sure of receiving detailed data.

  • Presents Weather Forecasts From Reliable Sources

Launched on June 16, 2016, and last updated on June 13, 2017, this Multi Weather Forecast showcases eerily accurate weather data to users. And, the same is extremely reliable for these are sourced from renowned governmental and non-governmental agencies of NOAA, Openweather, Wunderground and DarkSky.

Though there’s not much of difference between the data presented by all four agencies, you can always select a specified one to receive weather forecast of a location. The app lets you do so in the ‘Settings’ section.

weather forecast

Just toggle between NOAA, OpenWeather and the remaining two agencies to receive data on weather conditions from your selected service provider. For instance, if you choose NOAA, you can expect detailed description like wind chill values, the chance of precipitation etc.


However, this hardly holds true for OpenWeather, featuring limited data to users. Check out for yourself below.


DarkSky, on the contrary, presents an in-depth report, as you can see from the screenshot below.


The case is slightly different in the case of Wunderground. Honestly speaking, you won’t find much data from the same provider, for there’s lack of information on their part. So, it’s better not to mistake it as a bug in the app. The app is not at all responsible in any way.

Intuitive and Easy to Understand

  • Extremely User-Friendly

Do you wish to seek the current weather conditions? Or were you wanting to check out the visibility in the early morning? Even if you just want to be extra cautious and check the forecast for storm any time soon, the app lets you do everything! And, operating it is super easy!

Extremely User-Friendly

You just have to type the location on the ‘Search’ bar and browse through the details. The picture above shows these detail for Paris.

  • Provides Detailed Weather Conditions

Multi Weather Forecast is probably the best free weather app for an iPhone and for good reasons. Right from precipitation to dewpoint temperature to humidity levels and pressure values, every little detail is featured on it for user’s convenience. The same can also be viewed directly from the map.

Weather Conditions

Just pinch and zoom a location. Then double click it to view the details as illustrated below.

zoom a location

More Convenience, More Features

  • Works offline

No internet? There’s nothing to worry about! The Multi Weather Forecast saves the weather conditions of your selected favorite cities. It even lets you look through them even when you are offline! But, the only condition is to pick a few favorites as illustrated below.

Multi Weather Forecast saves
  • Supports Family Sharing

Up to six members of your family can have access to it. This can ease your anxiety levels, for there will be little probability of your loved one getting caught in a thunderstorm or any other unanticipated weather condition. We bet there’s nothing better than this!

A Must-Have For iPhone/iPad Users!

Multi Weather Forecast provides weather forecast from the Apple App store right from one’s palm-top! Isn’t it amazing? The features we’ve looked at truly make it a remarkable app for smartphone users owning iPhones and iPads. So, when are you installing it on your iOS-enabled device? Don’t forget to share with us your valuable feedback!